
Get Everything You've Ever Wanted

Transformation is in your hands. A morning meditation ritual is an invigorating way to start every day. Setting intentions and living a life congruent with achieving intentions is the key to creating your future.

This morning meditation will:

enlightened Change the way you begin every day
yes Empower your intentions and reach your goals
heart Improve your relationship with yourself and others

Grab your life- changing morning meditation below

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Amanda Beth Johnson

Meet Amanda Beth, the captivating speaker who will leave the audience feeling inspired and motivated to take action towards a better life journey. Amanda's compassionate speaking style and emphasis on audience participation make her presentations truly unforgettable. She speaks from the heart, offering hope and forward momentum to her listeners.
Amanda's expertise lies in intuitive healing, and she has earned five certifications in ThetaHealing. As the owner of southeast Iowa's first integrative wellness floatation spa, Iowa Salt Pod, Amanda offers a range of services that promote physical and emotional well-being. Her homeopathic educational consulting is highly sought after, and her ability to connect with diverse audiences is a testament to her creativity and relatability. Amanda is the 2023 recipient of community- selected Geo Ropert Award of Excellence.

Whether your audience is struggling with finances, relationships, childhood issues, or business concerns, Amanda's relatable approach will leave them feeling empowered to overcome any obstacle.